Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Basic's Of Fiqh (The Book of Purifacation- The Chapter of Water.

The Book of Purifacation

The Scholars of Fiqh started their books with The Chapter of Purification base on the five pillars of Islam, as the Prophet taught us in the hadith of Jibrail when he asked him (pbuh), " Oh Muhammad enlighten me about Islam?"

The Prophet replied, " Islam implies that you testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and you establish Prayer, pay Zakat, observe the fast of Ramadan, and perform Pilgrimage to the (Scared Mosque) if you are solvent enough (to bear the expense of) the journey."

Jibrail said, "You have told the truth"… (Muslim)

So the second pillar that was taught by the Prophet was Prayer, but the question lye's, why did not they just start with the Prayer instead of Purification? Well this has all so been evidently proven and taught through the teachings of the Prophet, he said, "The key to the Prayer is Purification" (related by At-Tirmadhi, thus grades it hasan sahih.)

Consequently Purification is the pre-condition to the prayer in order for it to be correct, as Allah the almighty has mentioned in His Book, " O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles.(5/6) in addition the Prophet said, 'Allah Does not except the prayer other than with purification' (Bukhari)

Purification "linguistically" means: Cleanliness and impartiality.

According to the Scholars: it is to uplift "Al-Hadith" and to remove "Al-Khabth

Al-Hadith: means "Legislative impurities" that prevents one from worshiping, such as Prayer , and Tawaaf-(circulating the Kaba) .

Examples of Al-Hadith: Passing wind, urinating or defecating and anything that is in its similar state that requires ablution. The Scholars labeled this as "Minor Hadith"

Other examples of "Legislative impurities" such as the release of semen due to sexual intercourse in which that requires bathing. The Scholars labeled this as "Major Hadith"

Al-Khabth: means, Malice or filth, and this state of impurity require physical removal of impurities that are apparent on the body, clothes, or surface in which one pray on. Such examples as, stool or urine and anything that is in its similar state that requires physical removal in order to be in the "correct state" for worshiping.

The Chapter of Purification;

It is necessary to know as a Muslim what are the acceptable requirements for using the water that Allah and His Messenger have taught us and the precise rulings that have been set up for us to follow and obey-

Water consists of three different types, and they are…

1-Tahour: Pure Water

2-Taahr: Water mixed with pure a pure substance

3-Najis: Water mixed with impure a pure substance

In addition, to these three divisions we will explain in further detail as followed…

1-Tahour :

The Scholars identified this type of essence as, "all water that descends from the sky or springs from the earth thus remains as its natural state that which it was created on, and it is purified within its essences thus purifies others.

There by it is clear that nothing uplifts "Al-Hadith" or removes "Al-Khabth" except with "pure water" in its original state that Allah created it in...

Allah the exalted says: 'from him and sent down water from the sky upon you, that thereby He might purify you' (8/10)

Allah the exalted also says: 'and We send down from the sky pure water' (25/48)

Examples of pure water are wells, rivers, sea, snow, and hail, ect,

as the Prophet (pbuh) supplicated,

"O Allah, wash my sins from me with snow, water, and hail." (Bukhaari & Muslim)

The Prophet (pbuh) also spoke about the seawater so he said,"It's (the sea) water is pure and its dead (animals) are lawful (i.e., they can be eaten without any prescribed slaughtering)." This hadith is (related by At-Tirmadhi, thus grades it hasan sahih.)

Other pure forms of water

Other types of pure waters that legislatively approved and they are…

Warm water

Weather it is warm tap water or it has be heated up over the fire, all is Tohour and permissible for the usage of Purification.

This form of water evidently authorized through the actions of the companions,

It s reported that Umar washed in hearty water. Related by Ad-Daarqatny, and its sanid is sahih.

Heated water from the sun

There is no legislatively disapproval in the usage of heated sun water for Purification. Also there is no differences between the scholars of jurisprudence in this issue except the Shaafi'ee's, and they proved this through the hadith that’s reported by Ayiessha, that she enter upon the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) and warmed up water for him in the sun then the Prophet said, don’t do so Oh-Humraa because it contracts leprosy.

(Related by Ad-Daarqatny.)

Our response to this hadith that it's classified as Munkr, Matrook-(No origins, lied upon)

And that this type of water is pure and the heating of the sun is a natural essence that has grew on it, similar to if the water has been chilled, such as snow water which is all permissible for the usage of purification, and Allah knows best…

still water water

Water that's been in a place over a long period of time, or because of its being mixed with algae, tree leaves, and so on. The consensus of scholars agrees that this type of water is classified as Tohour..type of water also is considered pure, This

Zam Zam water

It is permissible to use Zam Zam for ablution and gusal ,

Reported by Jabir that the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) requested a container of Zam Zam thus drank and made ablution from it. (Related by Ahmad.)

However, it is 'disliked' to use Zam Zam in the removal of "Al-Khabth" and this the opinions of Ibn Abaas, and Sheikh Islam Ibn Taymiyah.

Pure water that is Disliked Water

This water is pure in its essence but is disliked for the usage for purification, It is a prerequisite if there no pure water available.

Boiling Hot water or Freezing cold water- and the reason to this is that such water may cause one to not perform a complete ablution due to the intensity of the waters conditions.

water that has been mixed with a Taahr Substance but repels-such as grease, oil or camphor. In this case the scholars have mentioned this because its known that such substance do not completely mixed, meaning that the water has not been completely contaminated by its presence, therefore the scholars have ruled this as it being permissible for purification yet it is 'Disliked

2-Taahr (Blemished water)

The Scholars described this as pure water that has been mix with a Taahr substance in which alters the, color, odor or taste of the water, and this is considered by the consensus of scholars invalid for the use of purification, because the original essence has been uplifted and replaced by a substance that is unapproved by the Sharriah. Such examples are, tea water, rose water, water been used in cooking or anything that is similar in these descriptions.

Water that is Prohibited

Stolen water or water that has been used without some ones permission. This type of water is not excepted to use for purification and must find another source, Allah the All Mighty says, " and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favour to you, that ye may be grateful". (Al-Maeda -The Table Spread/verse-6)

and the Prophet (pbuh) taught Ali a saying," Leave that what is distrusted to that is trusted" (Related by Ahmad)

3-Najis (Imure Water)

One of three attributes can be detected in this type of water that has been mixed with a impure substance in which alters the, color, odor or taste, and according to these attributes the scholars have ruled this as impure water. Meaning it doesn't uplift "Al-Hadith" or remove "Al-Khabth" (impermissible to use for purification)

This type of water is also detected by the approximant limit that has been bounded by Sharriah, the Prophet (pbuh) said, "if the water attains 'Qulatayn' (216 litres) it does not hold impurities" (This hadith was related by the Five). A Qulah is a old fashion clay vase that the Arabs use to use in the time of the Prophet (pbuh), the scholars say that it is around 216L and this is the limit that detects if it is pure or not.

The scholars have divided this type of water into two divisions,

1- water that is under the limit of ('Qulatayn'-216 liters)

Such as a drop or more of impurity, e.g. 'Urine' contaminates the water giving it the ruling of 'impure water'.

2-water that is above the limit of ('Qulatayn'-216 liters)

Meaning if the water has been tainted by impurities and is above the limit of ('Qulatayn'-216 liters) then it is permissible to use this water for purification, only if the water is known to be overpowered by the, color, odor or taste it is only then will it be classified as impure. And Allah knows best...

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