Istinjaa & Istijmaar are both compulsory upon the secretion of impurities from the front and rear privet areas, and this includes urine, feces, Madhi, Wadi, etc..
One should be careful to remove all impurity after answering the call of nature, because the Prophet (pbuh) warned against being careless in cleaning oneself after urinating: “Most of the punishment of the grave will be because of urine.” (Ibn Majah, & Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1202). Ibn ‘Abbaas reported that the Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) passed by two graves, and said: “They are being punished, but they are not being punished for any major sin. One of them used not to protect himself (i.e. keep himself clean from) his urine, and the other used to walk about spreading malicious gossip.” (Bukhari)
Istinjaa: Is the removal of Impurities that exit form the front and rear of the privet areas using water.
Conditions for what one does Istinjaa with: is pure water. Narrated by Muslim & Nasaie from Anas ibn Maalik who said: When I was a boy, when the Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) entered the toilet I would carry a small vessel of leather filled with water, and he would clean himself with water. For more details refer to lesson-Basic's Of Fiqh (The Book of Purifacation- The Chapter of Water.
Istijmaar: Is the removal of Impurities that exit form the front and rear of the privet areas using stones, paper or anything that is similar in its essence.
Conditions for what one does istijmar with:
1- pure & permissible (not haram or impure) Such as stones, bark, wood, leaves, plastic, paper, or any thing that is similar in its essence such as modern day toilet paper. Sheikh Muhamad Saleh Al-Munajid said, It is permissible to use tissue paper and the like for istijmaar (cleaning the private parts after passing urine or stools by using stones, paper, etc.), and that is good enough as long as they clean the area properly. It is preferable if what is used for this purpose is an odd number, such as three sheets of tissue paper, or three stones, and so on, and one should not wipe less than three times. After that it is not essential to use water, but it is sunnah to do so. (Islam Q&A fatwa no:2138)
2-It has to be stable which is able to clean the area properly; as disrobed above...
3-It has to be something that is not sacred/respected. Such as papers that have the verses and names of Allah on them or anything that is a respectful item known amongst a community.
4-One must wipe three or more stones (or its like).This is indicated by the words and actions of the Messenger (pbuh). With regard to his words, Salmaan said: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) forbade us to use less than three stones for the purpose of istijmaar.” (Muslim)
5-Can not be of food or bones etc. Abu Hurayrah reported that he used to carry a vessel for the Prophet (pbuh) to do wudoo’ and clean himself after answering the call of nature. Whilst he was following him, he (the Prophet) asked, “Who is that?” He said: “I am Abu Hurayrah.” He said: “Get me some stones I can use to clean myself, but do not bring me any bones or dung.” So I brought him some stones, carrying them in the hem of my garment, and placed them by his side, then I went away. When he had finished, I came back and asked him, “What is wrong with bones and dung?” He said: “They are the food of the jinn.” (Bukhari)
Also it has been mentioned by the Scholars that such things as limbs of animals are impermissible to use.
Answering the call of nature;
It is recommended (Mustahab)
1-Its is recommended upon entering the lavatory to say,
[بِسْمِ اللهِ, اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُْثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ]
u bika minal-khubthi walkhabaa'ith. [Bismillaahi] Allaahumma 'innee 'a'oo
(Bukhari & Muslim)
& upon leaving one say's,
Ghufranak-I seek your (Allah) forgiveness.
(Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, & Tirmadhi & its Authentic)
2-It is also recommendable to forward ones left foot upon entering and using the right foot upon first step to exiting; because the Prophet (pbuh) would use his right for liked acts and would use his left for disliked acts, 'A'isha said, "The Messenger of Allah, (pbuh), used his right hand for purification and eating, and his left for the lavatory and whatever was offensive." (Abu Dawood)
3-It is recommendable to conceal themselves from the eyes of the people when relievingthemselves out in the open; so people may not see one upon relieving themselves,evidently Al-Mughīrah bin Shuʿbah reported that The Prophet (pbuh) said: ““Hold this container.” Then he (pbuh) walked away until he disappeared from me and relieved himself.” (Bukhari & Muslim)
4-It is also recommendable to choose the floor that is soft when one wants to urinate;
The reason for this is that on hard ground, there is a strong possibility that one will get splashes of urine onto his clothing. On soft ground, (like sand) the ground absorbs the urine and it does not splash back. Keeping oneself pure and clean is an integral part of worship in Islam. Abu Musa related that the Messenger of Allah came to a low and soft part of the ground and urinated. He then said, "When one of you urinates, he should choose the proper place to do so." This is related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud. One of its narrators is unknown, but its meaning is sound.
5-Is recommendable for one to not lift their clothing up until they reach to the sitting potion they require; as reported by Ibn Umar, that the Prophet (pbuh) if need to relieved himself he would never lift his gown up until he reached close to the ground. (Abu Dawood)
6-It is also recommendable to relive oneself whilst sitting; If a person can guarantee that no impurities will touch his clothes, it is permissible to urinate while standing. Said 'Aishah, "If someone relates to you that the Messenger of Allah urinated while standing, do not believe him. He only urinated while sitting." This hadith is related by "the five," except for Abu Dawud. At-Tirmidhi's comment is, "It is the best thing related on this point, and it is the most authentic." One should not forget that what 'Aishah said is based on the knowledge that she had. Hudhaifah relates that the Messenger of Allah, (pbuh) went to a public garbage dump and urinated while standing. Hudhaifah went away, and the Prophet then called him over. The Prophet made ablution and wiped over his shoes. This is related by "the group."
Commenting upon the issue, an-Nawawi says, "To urinate while sitting is most desirable in my opinion, but to do so standing is permissible. Both acts are confirmed by the Messenger of Allah, (pbuh).
It is Prohibited to-
1-Face or turn ones back on the qiblah while relieving themselves: It is narrated in a saheeh report that the Prophet (pbuh) forbade facing towards the qiblah or turning one’s back towards it when relieving oneself. The majority of scholars (including Maalik, al-Shaafa’i, and Ahmad, may Allaah have mercy on them) are of the view that this prohibition applies to one who is relieving himself in a place where there is no screen between him and the qiblah, but inside buildings they say it is permissible to face the qiblah or turn one’s back towards it when relieving oneself.
Marwaan al-Asfar said: I saw Ibn ‘Umar making his camel kneel facing towards the qiblah and urinating in that direction. I said, “O Abu ‘Abd al-Rahmaan, is that not forbidden? He said, “It is only forbidden to do that out in the open, but if there is something between you and the qiblah that conceals you, there is nothing wrong with it.”
(Abu Dawood & al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said: Its isnaad is hasan)
2-Shaded places and those places where people walk and gather:
Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah, (pbuh) said, "Beware of those acts which cause others to curse." They asked, "What are those acts?" He said, "Relieving yourself in the people's walkways or in their shade." (This hadith is related by Ahmad, Muslim and Abu Dawud.)
One is also not allowed to urinate under fruit bearing trees, evidently as the Scholars mentioned The above Hadith to understand that it applies in every place, whether it be a road, some shaded area, or an area where are trees with fruits, or in their water area (for washing). It is not permissible for a Muslim to relieve themselves in these places, because they will cause them to become impure for other Muslims.
3-Defecating in stagnant water or streams; Jabir said the Prophet forbade urinating in still as well as running water. (Ahmad, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.)
Because this makes the water impure and harms those who use it. as for urinating in these places it is (makrooh) disliked action to do so...
It is Disliked (Makrooh)
1-One should not greet a person who is answering the call of nature; or return a greeting whilst one is answering the call of nature, out of respect to Allah by not mentioning His name in a dirty place. Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah reported that a man passed by the Prophet (pbuh) whilst he was urinating, and greeted him. The Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) said to him: “If you see me in this state, do not greet me, because if you do, I will not respond.” (Reported by Ibn Maajah, 346; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 575).
Baring in mind the Islamic greeting is “al-salaam ‘alaykum (peace be upon you)”; one of the names of Allah is al-Salaam (The Peace)]. The majority of scholars say that it is makrooh (disliked) to speak in the restroom unnecessarily.
2-Speaking while in the process of relieving themselves, Abû Sa`îd said: I heard the Prophet (pbuh) saying : “Two men should not go to relieve themselves, exposing their private parts, and then be talking to each other, for verily Allah abhors that.”
(Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, & Ahmad)
3-Urinate [or defecate] in a crack or hole (as it may have an animal dwelling therein);
Qatadah related from 'Abdullah ibn Sarjas who said, "The Messenger of Allah forbade urination into a hole." Said Qatadah, "What is disliked about urinating into a hole?" Said he, "It is the residence of the jinn."
This hadith is related by Ahmad, an-Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, al-Hakim and al-Baihaqi. Ibn Khuzaimah and Ibn as-Sakin classified it as sahih.
4-One should also not touch their private parts with the right hand; the Prophet (pbuh) said: “When any one of you wipes himself, he should not use his right hand.” (Bukhari)
5-One should not carry anything in the bathroom with name of Allah on it, except in need;
include the Muṣḥaf (written copy of The Qur’an) or printed Hadiths that contain َُthe name of Allah and any other item with the name of هللا on it. Many people are in the habit of wearing rings that have the name of Allah on them. Here the one might ask what to do when they have something on them that has the name of Allah (like a ring) and is afraid it would be stolen if left outside. Ibn Qudāmah’s mentions in al-Mughni (1/109):“If a person wants to enter the toilet and he has with him something in which Allah is mentioned, it is recommended to put it aside, if he keeps the thing in which Allah is mentioned with him and is careful not to let it fall, or he turns the stone of the ring towards the inside of his palm, there is nothing wrong with that.
Imam Aḥmad said: “If a ring has the name of Allah on it and he turns it towards to the inside of his palm, and enters the toilet (that is permissible).” Ikrimah said: “He should turn it like this towards the inside of his palm, and fold his fist over it.”
This was also the view of Imām Isḥaq and the same concession was granted by Ibn al-Muṣaiyib, al-Ḥasan al-Baṣri, and Ibn Sirīn (may الله have mercy upon them all).”
NOTE; However, all of the above is allowed in cases of necessity, and Allah knows best…
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