Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The Chapter of Wudoo

Wudoo Linguistically means; Ablution, radiance, gracefulness/fineness and cleanliness.
& according to the Scholars; Using tahoor water on specific parts of the body, with a specific method, as an act of worshiping Allah.

Evidently Allah The-Exalted said, 'O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salaah (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to the ankles.' (5/6)
Furthermore the Prophet (pbuh said, 'The key to Paradise is prayer and the key to prayer is cleanliness (Ablution).' (Ahmad & Tirmadhi)

Narrated Humran, 'Uthman called for water to perform ablution. He washed palms of his hands three times, then rinsed his mouth and sniffed water in his nose and then blew it out. He then washed his face three times. Thereafter he washed his right hand up to his elbow three times then the left one likewise, then he passed wet hands on his head. Then he washed his right foot up to the ankle three times, then the left one likewise. He then said, "I saw Allah's Messenger performing ablution like this ablution of mine."
(Bukhari & Muslim)

The Conditions of Wudoo;
1-Islam; Its opposite is Kufr (disbelief). The actions of a disbeliever are not accepted (by Allaah), regardless of what good deed he may perform. The proof for this is Allaah’s saying: “It is not for the polytheists to maintain the mosques of Allaah while they witness against their own selves of disbelief. The works of such are in vain and in Hell will they abide forever.” [Surah At-Tawbah: 17]
And Allaah’s saying: “And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (polytheists) did and make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust.” [Surah Al-Furqaan: 23]

2-Sanity; Its opposite is Insanity (junoon). As for the insane person, the pen (that records his deeds) is lifted from him until he regains sanity. The proof for this is the hadeeth: “The pen is lifted from three people: A person sleeping until he wakes up; an insane person until he regains sanity; and a child until he reaches the age of puberty.” ( Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Nasaa’ee and Ibn Maajah. Al-Haakim said: “This is an authentic hadeeth based on the conditions of Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim.” & Adh-Dhahabee agree's)

3-Tamyeez (Age of distinction): Its when a child thats considered to distinguish between things and matters. Its extent is the age of seven years. The proof for this is the Messenger of Allaah’s saying: “Command your children to pray by (the age of) seven. And beat them to do it by (the age of) ten. And separate them from their beds.” (Ahmad, Abu Dawood & Al-Haakim)

4-Intention; Narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, (pbuh) say: 'Actions are (judged) by intentions, so each man will have what he intended..' (Bukhari & Muslim)
Accompanying its ruling by the fact that one must intend to not stop it until he completes his ritual purity.

5-Removal of what makes ritual purity mandatory; The removal of impurities on ones cloths body & surface that they pray on.

6-cleansing the private parts; The Prophet (pbuh said, "Allaah does not accept a prayer from a person who is not in a state of purity." (Muslim)

7-Clean Water that is permissible to use; not impure and impermissible, Allah the exalted says: 'from him and sent down water from the sky upon you, that thereby He might purify you' (8/10)
Allah the exalted also says: 'and We send down from the sky pure water' (25/48)
Examples of pure water are wells, rivers, sea, snow, and hail, ect, as the Prophet (pbuh) supplicated,
"O Allah, wash my sins from me with snow, water, and hail." (Bukhaari & Muslim)
The Prophet (pbuh) also spoke about the seawater so he said,"It's (the sea) water is pure and its dead (animals) are lawful (i.e., they can be eaten without any prescribed slaughtering)." This hadith is (related by At-Tirmadhi, thus grades it hasan sahib.) for more details on pure water refer to lesson-Basic's Of Fiqh (The Book of Purifacation- The Chapter of Water.

8-Removing all things that prevent the water from reaching the skin; This is related to thick coated things such as, paint, nail polish, dough, or anything that is similar in their substance)
This is due to its volume that it does not allow the water to reach ones skin which enables ones Wudu to be incorrect due to the missing bits of skin that is covered by the think substance, and Allah knows best…

The Arkaan (Essential Elements) of Wudoo:
Those acts that if left out, even unintentionally, obligates that one repeat their Wudoo.
1-Washing the face (once), including the rinsing of the mouth (madmadah) and nose (istinshaaq) by inhaling water into the nostrils and then expelling it; The limits of one's face: from where the hair begins to grow on one's head to below one's cheekbones on each side of the face, until they meet at the chin, and until the base of one's ears. Allah Almighty says: 'wash your faces' (5/6)
Humran describes the Wudhu' of 'Uthman who is describing the Wudhu' of the Prophet (pbuh) 'Uthman said, "Then he washed his face three times." (Bukhari & Muslim)
And Khair said, "We were sitting looking towards Ali - as he made Wudu - and he entered into his mouth a handful of water with his right hand and washed his mouth and nose, then expelled it from his nose with his left hand - he did that three times, then said, 'Whoever would like to see the way of purification of Rasoolullah (pbuh) - then this is his purification.'" (Sahih - Ad-Daarimee)

2-Washing the hands and arm, from the fingertips up to and including the elbows (once);
Allah The-Exalted said, 'and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows (5/6)
In Humran's narration: "He then washed his right hand up to the elbow three times, and then the left in the same way." The elbow must be washed along with the hand, first because the Prophet (pbuh) used to wash his elbow as well, and second because the scholars say that "up to" here means ''with.''

3-Wiping over the entire head, including wiping the ears (once);
'Abdullah bin Zaid (Radhi Allahu Anhu) said when he described the Wudhu' of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) "Indeed, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) wiped his head with his hands, bringing them toward the front and taking them toward the back. He began with the front of his head, working his hands up until he reached the back of his head, and then he brought them back to their starting place." (Bukhari & Muslim) It is enough to wipe one's head once. The ears take the same ruling for the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: 'The ears are part of the head.' (Tirmidhi & Abu Dawud with a Sahih chain of narration.)

4-Washing the feet from the toe-tips up to and including the ankles (once); Allah The All-High said, 'and (wash) your feet up to the ankles.' (5/6)
Humran's Hadith: "Then he washed his right foot until the ankles three times, and then he did the same with his left." (Bukhari & Muslim)

5-Performing the wudoo in the proper sequence, mentioned thus far; This is because Allah Almighty mentioned the Wudhu' in order, and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) would perform Wudhu' in that same order. When I say "in order," I mean that one must perform Wudhu' the way Allah Almighty and His Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) ordered us to perform it, without advancing certain body parts before their time, which, if done, nullifies the Wudhu'. By washing one's elbows before his face, one invalidates his Wudhu'; similarly, by washing one's feet before wiping one's head, one invalidates his Wudhu', and so on. The verse clearly indicates the order of Wudhu', and the Prophet (pbuh) said: 'Begin with what Allah had began with.' (Nasaa’ee)

6-Succession, in that one washes one part after another without a long pause;
This must be done continuously, i.e., the parts of the body must be washed one after the other with no lengthy interruption between washing one part and the next.

The Obligatory Acts of Wudoo
Those acts that if left, intentionally or unintentionally, do not obligate that the wudoo be repeated. If they are left intentionally, however it is considered a sin.
Saying “Bismillah (in the name of Allah)” before starting; The Prophet (pbuh) said, "There is no Wudoo for him who does not mention Allah's name upon it." (Sahih - Ibn Maajah, At-Tirmithee, Abu Dawood, & others)

to wash the hands three times after waking from the night’s sleep before one puts them into any vessel of water. Abu Huraira said: When anyone amongst you wakes up from sleep, he must not put his hand in the utensil till he has washed it three times, for he does not know where his hand was during the night. (Muslim)

The praiseworthy acts (Mustahab) of wudoo are as follows :
1-Using the Siwak; the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: "Were it not that it would be overburdening for my nation, I would have ordered them to use a Siwak (tooth-stick) with each Wudoo." (Al-Muwatta)

2-Washing one’s hands to the wrists before the face; Humran's Hadith: 'he poured water over his hands and washed them thrice..' (Bukhari & Muslim)

3-rinsing one’s mouth and nose before washing the face [and not after]; Humran's Hadith:then rinsed his mouth and sniffed water in his nose and then blew it out. He then washed his face three times.
(Bukhari & Muslim)

4-to exaggerate rinsing one’s mouth and nose if they are not fasting; Laqit asked the Prophet, "Inform me about your ablution." He replied, "Complete and perfect the ablution and (put water) between your fingers. Use lots of water while sniffing it up your nostrils, unless you are fasting." (Related by "the five." Tirmadhi said it is sahih.)

5-Running one’s wet fingers through the beard if it is thick; Anas narrates that the Prophet (pbuh), when he made wudu, used to take a handful of water and enter it below his chin and rub it through his beard and said, "This is what my Lord - the Great and Exalted - has ordered me to do." (Sahih Abu Dawood, Al-Baihaqee, Al-Haakim)

6-Washing the areas between the fingers and toes; Al-Mustaurad said, "When the Prophet (pbuh) made wudu he would enter the water between his toes with his little finger." (Sahih Abu Dawood, At-Tirmadhi, & Ibn Maajah)

7-Starting with the right parts of the body; Aisha said, "Rasoolullah (SAW) used to like to begin with the right in putting on shoes, combing his hair, in purification and in all of his affairs." (Bukhari & Muslim)

8-Washing each part twice or thrice; Abdullah Bin Zaid narrates that the Prophet (pbuh) made wudu (washing each part) twice. (Bukhari)
Uthman recorded that he (pbuh) washed each of the parts three times. (Bukhari & Muslim)

9-Inhaling water up into the nostrils with the right hand and expelling it with the left;
'Ali once called for water for ablution, rinsed his mouth, sniffed up water into his nostrils and blew it out with his left hand. He did that three times and then said, "That is how the Prophet (pbuh) would purify himself." (Ahmad & Nasaa’ee.)

10-Rubbing the body parts while washing; 'Abdullah ibn Zaid reported that the Messenger of Allah was brought a pot of water which he used to perform ablution, and then rubbed his arms. (Related by Ibn Khuzaimah.) He also related that the Messenger of Allah performed ablution, then rubbed his limbs. (Related by Abu Dawud at-Tayalisi, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban and Abu Ya'la.)

11-Washing the body parts thoroughly; the Prophet (pbuh) concerning his actions and statements. Ibn 'Umar said, "The Prophet lagged behind us in one of our travels. He caught up with us after we had delayed the afternoon prayer. We started to make ablution and were wiping over our feet, when the Prophet said, 'Woe to the heels, save them from the Hell-fire,' repeating it two or three times." (Bukhari & Muslim.)

12-Reciting the authentic supplications which have been mentioned in hadeeth upon completion;
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “There is no one among you who does wudoo’ and does it properly and does it well, then he says, ‘Ashhadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu,’ but the gates of Paradise will be opened to him and he may enter through whichever of them he wishes.” (Muslim). A report narrated by al-Tirmidhi and classed as saheeh by Albani adds: “Allaahumma ij’alni min al-tawwaabeena wa’j’alni min al-mutatahhireen (O Allaah, make me one of those who repent and make me one of those who purify themselves.”

The disliked actions (makroohaat) of wudoo;
Those acts for which one will receive reward if done. If left, there is no sin.
1-Making it with extremely cold or hot water; Because this will cause one to perform an incomplete Wudoo due to the intestacy of the water conditions.

2-Washing any part more than three times; The Prophet (pbuh) has tort us the amount of numbers that are required for Wudoo, and anything extra is an innovation.

3-To shake off the water of any part;
Abu Hurairah reported: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, "When a Muslim, or a believer, washes his face (in the course of Wudu'), every sin which he committed with his eyes, will be washed away from his face with water, or with the last drop of water; when he washes his hands, every sin which is committed by his hands will be effaced from his hands with the water, or with the last drop of water; and when he washes his feet, every sin his feet committed will be washed away with the water, or with the last drop of water; until he finally emerges cleansed of all his sins.'' (Muslim)

4-to wash the interior of the eye; This might irritate or cause infections to the eye.

The Manner of Wudoo: make intention (Niyyah) in your heart; say ‘Bismillah’ (in the name of Allah); wash both your hands; rinse your mouth; rinse your nose by snuffing in water and blowing it out; wash your face (the extent of the face is from the hairline of the head, to the chin, and from ear to ear); wash your hands and arms [from the tips of your fingers] to your elbows; wipe over your head starting from the front working your way to the back; wipe the outer part of the ear and insert the tips of your wet forefingers into your ears and wipe inside of them; wash your feet [from the tips of the toes] to above the ankles.
Note: If a man’s beard is not thick, the skin underneath it must be washed, but if it is thick, he must only washes the outer part.
And Allah knows Best…

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