Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Basic's Of Fiqh The Chapter of Sunan Al-Fitrah (The State (Condition) That Allah (S.W.T.) Likes the Humans to Be In)

The Sunnan Al-Fitrah are as followed,
1- Circumcision:The scholars (may Allaah have mercy on them) differed as to the ruling on circumcision. According to Shafei’s and Hanbali’s it is obligatory , based on a fair Hadith reported by Imam Abu Dawood and Al-Baihaqi that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had said to a man who converted to Islam: “Get rid of the Kufr hair and circumcise.” It is only recommended according to Hanafi’s and Maleki’s, because they consider the above-mentioned Hadith as weak. Imam Ash-Shawkani also favors this opinion. They all base their opinion on an authentic Hadith reported by Imam Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said that five acts are considered from the (Sunan) Al-Fitrah and he mentioned circumcision as one of them.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The most correct view is that it is obligatory in the case of men and Sunnah in the case of women. The difference between them is that in the case of men, it serves an interest which has to do with one of the conditions of prayer, namely purity (tahaarah), because if the foreskin remains, when the urine comes out of the urethra, some of it will collect there, and this causes burning and infection every time the person moves, and every time the foreskin is squeezed, some drops of urine come out, thus causing najaasah (impurity).
In the case of women, it serves a useful purpose which is to reduce desire. This is seeking perfection, not removing something harmful.
Al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 1/133-134
This is the view of Imam Ahmad (may Allaah have mercy on him). Ibn Quddamah said in al-Mughni (1/115): As for circumcision, it is obligatory for men and it is good in the case of woman, but it is not obligatory for them.
And this is the most revised opinion in regards to this matter, & Allah knows best...

2-Shaving pubic hair and pulling out underarm hair: These are two recommended acts. If either hair is shaved, trimmed or pulled out, it will suffice. Based on an authentic Hadith reported by Imam Bukhari & Muslim that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that five acts are considered from the (Sunan) Al-Fitrah and he mentioned shaving the pubic hair and pulling out the underarm hair as two of them. It is preferred that they are removed whenever they get long, not exceeding forty days. In an authentic Hadith reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and others that Anass said: “The time period for us to trim the moustache, cut the nails, pluck out the underarm hair and cut the pubic hair was forty nights.”

3-Clipping one’s fingernails and toenails, and trimming or shaving his mustache: Based on an authentic Hadith reported by Imam Bukhari & Muslim that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that five acts are considered from the (Sunan) Al-Fitrah and he mentioned clipping one’s fingernails and toenails, and trimming or shaving his mustache as two of them. It is preferred that they are removed whenever they get long, not exceeding forty days as reported in the Hadith by Anass mentioned above in.

4. Letting the beard grow and become thick: It’s prohibited to shave it according to the opinion of the four scholars, because it is considered as changing Allah’s creation of the male and imitation of the female. In many authentic Ahadith, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ordered the believers to grow their beards. Among this is a Hadith reported by Imam Bukhari & Muslim that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Be different from the Mushrikin (idolaters) and let your beards grow and trim your mustaches”. Imam Bukhari added “Ibn Umar used to grab his beard with his full hand and trim any excess, after performing Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) or Umrah (a visit to Makkah different from Hajj)”. And the same act was done by Umar Ibn Al-Khattab and Abu Hurierah during the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The Qur’aan, Sunnah and ijmaa’ (scholarly consensus) all indicate that we must differ from the kuffaar in all aspects and not imitate them, because imitating them on the outside will make us imitate them in their bad deeds and habits, and even in beliefs, which will result in befriending them in our hearts, just as loving them in our hearts will lead to imitating them on the outside.

5-Using the Siwak (a piece of a root of a tree called Al-Arak found in the region of Hejaz in the Arabian Peninsula):
It is from the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) to use Siwak to clean one’s teeth and mouth, based on many authentic Ahadith like the one reported by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Had I not feared burdening myUmmah (Muslims), I would have ordered them to use the Siwak before every prayer.” In another narration reported by Imam Ahmad “
It is especially recommended to do so before each prayer, before reciting the Qur’an, before rinsing one’s mouth in ablution, after waking from sleep, before entering the Mosque or one’s house, and anytime when the smell of one’s mouth has changed.
It is preferred that one begins with the right side while using Siwak or in purification, and that he uses the left hand to remove what is not desired (e.g., in removing any impurities).
And Allah knows best...

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