Wiping over Khuffs and Socks described by the Scholars as: Wipping with wetness over specific Khuffs or sock in a specified time.
Khuffs and Socks: Are a foot covering of leather or similar material is called a khuff, and if it is of wool or similar cloth, it is called a sock (jawrab), and it ia a sanction from Allah to the believers as some Scholars quoted, The wiping of the socks is better then washing the feet because Allah loves His believers to except His sanctions.
Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: I have no aversion to wiping over the socks because there are 40 Hadiths about wiping over the socks from the Rasool and his companions
Evidently Al-Mughirah ibn Shu'bah reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, made ablution and wiped over his socks and slippers.
(Ahmad, at-Tahawi, Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi, who called it hassan saheeh.)
and in another narration Yahya Al-Bika heard Ibn Umar say, wiping the socks is the same as wiping on the Khuffs. (Ibn Abi Shaybah & it is classed as Saheeh )
It was also narrated by Al-Azraq Ibn Qayss, I saw Annas Ibn Malik upon nullifying his wudoo, he washed his face, arms and wiped on his socks made of wool. Isaid to him, 'You wiped on them (Woolen socked)' he replied, 'Verily they are Khufs but of wool.' (& Amad Shakir grades it as an authentic chain narration)
The Conditions of Wiping over the Khuffs or socks:
1-That they should have been put on when one was in a state of tahaarah (purity, i.e., when one has wudoo’). The evidence for that is what the Prophet (pbuh) said to al-Mugheerah ibn Shu’bah: “Don’t worry, because I put them one when I was clean.”
2-That the khufoof (leather slippers which cover the ankle) or socks should be Taahir (pure). If they are naajis (impure) then it is not permissible to wipe over them. The evidence for that is that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) led his companions in prayer one day wearing shoes, which he took off whilst he was praying. He said that Jibreel had told him that there was something dirty on them. This was narrated by Ahmad from the Hadith of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri in his Musnad. This indicates that it is not permissible to pray wearing anything that is naajis, because if the naajis thing is wiped over, the person will be contaminated by that najaasah (impurity), so he cannot be considered to be taahir (pure).
3-They may be wiped over when one is purifying oneself from minor impurity (i.e., doing wudoo’ after passing wind, urine or stools), not when one is in a state of janaabah (major impurity following sexual activity) or when Ghusal is required. The evidence for that is the Hadith of Safwaan ibn ‘Assaal who said: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) commanded us, when we were travelling, not to remove our khufoof for three days and three nights, except in the case of janaabah. But we could keep them on and wipe over them in the case of stools, urine and sleeping.” This was narrated by Ahmad from the Hadith of Safwaan ibn ‘Assaal in his Musnad. So the condition is that wiping the socks may be done when purifying oneself (doing wudoo’) from minor impurity, and it is not permissible in the case of major impurity, because of the Hadith which we have mentioned here.
4-That the wiping may be done within the time specified by Sharriah, which is one day and one night in the case of one who is not travelling, and three days and three nights in the case of one who is travelling. This is because of the HadIth of ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib who said: “The Prophet (pbuh) stated one day and one night for the one who is not travelling, and three days and three nights for the one who is travelling, i.e., for wiping over the khufoof.” This was narrated by Muslim. This period starts from the first time one wipes over the socks when doing wudoo’ after some minor impurity, and it ends twenty-four later for the one who is not travelling, and seventy-two hours later for the one who is travelling. So if we assume that a person purifies himself for Fajr prayer on Tuesday and remains taahir (pure, i.e., keeps his wudoo’) until ‘Isha prayer on Tuesday evening, then he sleeps and wakes up to pray Fajr on Wednesday, and he wipes his socks at five o’clock zawaali time , then the period begins from 5 a.m. on Wednesday and lasts until 5 a.m. on Thursday. If we assume that he wiped his socks before 5 a.m then he can pray Fajr on Thursday with this wiping and pray as much as he wants as long as he remains taahir, because according to the most correct scholarly opinion, wudoo’ is not broken when the time period for wiping over the socks expires. That is because the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not set a time limit for tahaarah, rather he set a time limit for wiping over the socks. Once that time limit expires, one cannot wipe over the socks again, but if a person remains in a state of tahaarah then his tahaarah is still valid, because this is what is implied by the shar’i evidence, and whatever is proven by shar’i evidence cannot be invalidated unless there is further shar’i evidence to that effect. There is no evidence to suggest that wudoo’ is broken when the time limit for wiping over the socks expires, because what the basic principle is that he remains as he is (i.e., taahir) until it becomes apparent that this is no longer the case.
These are the conditions which apply to wiping over the khufoof. There are other conditions which were mentioned by some of the scholars, but some of these are subject to further debate.
(I’laam al-Musaafireen bi Ba’d Aadaab wa Ahkaam al-Safar by Shaykh ibn al-‘Uthaymeen )
It is permissible for a person to wear two layers of khufoof or socks. If he wipes over one – in cases where it is permissible to do so, as we shall see below – then he takes one off, and breaks his wudoo’, it is permissible for him to wipe over the other, according to the opinion of some of the scholars.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen a number of scenarios in which a person wears two layers of khufoof or socks, as follows:
1 – If a person put on socks or khufoof then broke his wudoo’, then put on another pair before doing wudoo’, the ruling applies to the first layer, i.e., if he wants to wipe over them after that, he has to wipe over the first layer, and it is not permissible for him to wipe over the second layer.
2 – If he puts on socks or khufoof, then he breaks his wudoo’ and wipes over them, then he puts on a second layer, then he may wipe over the second layer according to the sound view. It says in al-Furoo’: That is permissible according to Maalik. End quote. Al-Nawawi said: This is the best view, because he put them on in a state of purity (tahaarah), and their view that it is a lesser kind of purity is not acceptable.( End quote.)
If we accept that, then the period of wiping starts from the first time he wiped over the first layer.
In this case he may also wipe over the first layer, without a doubt.
3 – If he puts khufoof on over khufoof or socks, and he wipes the outer layer then takes it off, can he wipe over the lower layer for the remainder of the period? I did not see any clear statement on this, but al-Nawawi stated that Abu’l-‘Abbaas ibn Surayj said that if he puts overshoes over the khufoof then one of three scenarios must apply: one of which is that they become like a single khuff, with the upper layer visible and the second layer like a lining, therefore he may wipe over the lower layer until the period for wiping ends from the time he wiped over the upper layer, which is like the case when the outer surface of the khuff becomes worn or scratched – it is permissible to wipe over the lining.” End quote from Fataawa al-Tahaarah, p. 192
The “overshoe” (jurmooq) is something that is worn over the regular khufoof, especially in cold countries.
(Kashshaaf al-Qinaa’, 1/130 & Al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 1/211)
The Extent of Wiping: When wiping over the khuff, one should pass his moist hand from the tips of his toes to his ankles with his fingers slightly open. Ali ibn Abu Taalib who said, “if the religion were according to opinion then the underside of the khuffs would have been wiped, but I have seen the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) wiping over the upper part of the khuff.”
Note: If someone first wipes while they are considered a traveler and then becomes a resident, or vice versa, or he is in doubt about when he first wiped, he should regard himself as a resident.
Wiping over the Turban: Al-Mughîrah b. Shu`bah relates that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) performed wuduo and wiped over his forelock and his turban and his socks. (Muslim)
It is allowed to wipe over one’s turban with the following conditions:
1) The person is a male; because if a female was to wear a Turban it is considered imitating men which in forbidden and is a cursed action, The Messenger (pbuh) cursed the masculine women.
(Abu Dawood (4099); classed as saheeh by Albani)
2) It covers the normal part of the head which a turban covers; as Allah The-Exulted mentions in the verse of Wudoo, "..And wipe your heads..' (5/6)
3) It should only be performed in wudoo (and not Ghusl) same as in reference to the conditions of wiping on sock...
4) It should only be done if one has worn it in a state of purity after having performed wudoo or Ghusl (and not Tayammum) just as in the case of wipping on the socks and takes the same rulling..
Wiping over the Head Scarf (Khimaar): In a Hadith narrated by Ibn Abi Shabah, That Um Salamah use to wipe over her head scarf.
It is allowed for the woman to wipe over her head covering with moist hands on the following conditions:
1) The person is a female; The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) cursed the man who wears women’s clothing and the woman who wears men’s clothing.
(Abu Dawood (4098) classed as saheeh by Albani)
2) It should be a type which is wrapped around underneath the jaw; Proper Hijab that is prescribed by Shariah..
3) It should only be performed in wudoo (and not Ghusal) same as in reference to the conditions of wiping on sock...
4) It should only be done if one wears it in a state of purity after having performed wudoo or Ghusl (and not Tayammum) that it covers the normal part of the head which a scarf usually covers.
Casts and Bandages: Casts and bandages used to cover wounds may be wiped with moist hands on the following conditions:
1) There is a genuine need for the cast or bandage;
2) That it does not exceed the required area to cover the wound properly;
3) The cast or bandage should be wiped, while the other parts must be washed as normal.
One must remove the cast or bandage that exceeds the necessary area to be covered, unless some harm is feared.
Nullification of wiping socks, Turbans, & head scarfs
If interval of wiping ends then the wudu is nullified and he may not wipe again until he removes the Khuff and wears it upon purity
The wudu is nullified by the removal of the Khuff before end of interval
Entering state of major ritual impurity
Note: * It is better to wipe both of the two khuffs simultaneously and not beginning with the right khuff first. * It is not allowed to wipe over the bottom or back of the khuff or sock. * It is undesirable to wash the khuffs instead of wiping over them, or wiping them more than once. * As for the turban and scarf, one must wipe over most of it, and Allah knows best....
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